畢業於香港中文大學,會考及高考成績優異,獲中大逸夫書院課程獎,擁有六年的數理教育及補習經驗。學生來自各區不同學校:高主教書院、拔萃男書院、何明華會督銀禧中學、呂潤財中學。陳SIR親自編撰教材,備有齊全練習,務求在最短時間令同學明白不同的理學概念,奠下紮實的數理基礎及應試技巧。 理念 我們相信,每位學生都是可造之材,而每人的學習進度及所面對的困難都是不同的,我們堅持小班教學,讓我們的
i教學進修 / 補習ivanchan9999

🔥芊雯中文補習學院是全港唯一一間獨門專補中文1對1的教育中心,由7A*級碩士狀元14年經驗中文專家Miss Wong深入教IB中文補習 | DSE中文補習| IGCSE中文補習| MYP中文補習答題秘技+專為每個學生度身編製應試訓練題目100%學生已經考奪A或5**成功入大學#中文補習 #補習 #私人補習 #ib中文補習#dse中文補習#ib中文#igcse中文補習#myp中文補習
教學進修 / 補習IB•DSE Chinese Specialist Miss Wong🔥Chin Man Chinese Academy

2 hours a lesson per week on site tutoring, other days by Whatsapp
S教學進修 / 補習Sir_Wong

倫敦大學畢業教英文 Graduated from London University offering private/group English tutoring to any age group. I had resided in the UK for over 10 years and have excellent command of English language to native

*科大BSc & MPhil in Mathematics *科大Dean's List Award得獎者 *學生曾在A-Level Maths & Further Maths均奪A*,並獲英國LSE及港大精算系offer *曾在著名國際學術期刊 Journal of Symbolic Computation 發表學術文章: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2022.0
t教學進修 / 補習tycheungad

One-to-one private french classes/ 一對一私人法語課程 - From Beginner to Advanced level --- for your personal interests, preparation for exams/ relocation, daily business communication, or even to supplement
J教學進修 / 語言課程Jean Francois

Eureka Native English Teacher / Native English Tutor 外籍英語老師教授課程(中心及上門) 暑假英語、劍橋英語、英語歷奇、英語拼音、創意英語、英語戲劇課程
教學進修 / 語言課程雅理加語言培訓中心

教學經驗超過20年 ============= 課程1 : 速算皇 經過手和腦的訓練,會讓孩子的大腦更加靈活專注,反應更快。 更加讓手、眼、腦的協調性有明顯改善,粗心大意更加得以改善,有助加強學習能力提升。 課程2 : 數學(FUN) 針對小學一年級至小學六年級校內數學課程大綱,用不同手法教導學生多方思考及由淺入深,包括教導真題目拆解方法。 課程3 : 中文精讀班 閱讀理解,語文運用,寫作訓練

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童/成人/外籍人士 /公司企業/水平測試考生 );母語普通話&廣東話&流利英語;彈性時間及地點; 聯絡電話:張老師(69007908)
b教學進修 / 語言課程bluecloverleaf

Experienced Mandarin Tutor have taught in the kindergartens/primary/secondary schools/students' homes more than 10 years. Students have won awards at many Chinese Speech Competitions. WhatsApp92450876

All lessons take place in my home at Tai Kok Tsui, in a specially allocated room designed to motivate, inspire, and stimulate young minds. I have a BA (Hons) degree in English with Psychology & TEFL

A female native english with extensive experience tutoring student in Hong Kong, oral english for adult and young learner
J教學進修 / 補習J.Goodman

Native English Tutor for Primary School Students

A good command of English is not just essential to achieve success, it is key to open yourself to numberless possibilities and opportunities!
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